The world of technology and especially IT is moving in an ever-faster pace, and so does the models that can be used to manage the development of new software and other IT solutions.
Our aim with this site is to give you a project model that will suite the needs and demands of tomorrows IT projects. We aim to make sure that the model is always updated and fine turned, so that you can plan your project from start to finish, and do so with the out most confidence that your project will success.
We aim to give you a framework for your project, including description of meeting activities, roles, analysis types, phases, products from each phase, and so forth – And we aim to give you the tools to support the different demands and activities.
Your input is important.
No one is smarter than all of us, and one of our main focuses will be to always try and learn and be smarter, so please start to question and comment on our model, our tools, our ideas and the way that we approach things.
An going process.
Right now all we have to offer you is our blog, but we are working on the project model framework and the tools to support it, and they will be released as they are finished. Our site will continue to be updated and expanded and the number of tools will grow over time, so keep updated on activities by following us on the various social channel or by signing up for our newsletter service.